Mittwoch, 22 Mai 2013 11:04

Special offers June 2 catamaran Pontine islands

Pontine islands Special 2 June 30% off on the entire range of catamarans.
Meeting in Nettuno City on Friday 31st May briefing of the commanders of Catamarans and welcome cocktail.
Navigation and an overnight stop at the island Palmarola defined by Jacque Cousteau one of the top 7 most beautiful islands in the world.

Saturday June 1st visit to the island, and then departure of the catamarans to Ponza and visit to murenarie caves ,carved into the rock by the ancient Romans for the cultivation of fish .
night at the bay of the pediment adjacent to the port of Ponza, after descent on the island with the tender for a walk in the historic square and meeting point of Ponza.
Sunday, June 2 navigation Palmarola with a stop for lunch in cala north nicknamed the "cathedrals" for the incredible nature green overhanging the sea ,where the seagulls circling hours and hours raised by the wind current . In the afternoon return of catamarans on Neptune
with probable race sailing through the thermal wind from the sea.

Catamaran cost for up to 10 persons.

privilege 47 Amazonas euro 1450
lagoon 500 America euro 2450
privilege 585 Sagaponack euro 3450

For info

capitain s/y Sagaponack

Mario Musmarra

+39 335 406316

Last modified on Mittwoch, 22 Mai 2013 11:16

Testimonial privilege

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