Montag, 09 September 2013 15:51

Vacation Sailboat September

Holidays in sailboats in September in Sardinia - Pontinian Islands

The vacation on a sailing boat, is not an expensive option, and is not geared only to strong men or extreme challenge lovers. Now may be a valid  alternative to traditional hotel vacation , also for families with sons.

Today we offer one week in charter catamaran in September, with a 20% discount for all Catamarans in Sardinia or the Pontine Islands or the Aeolian Islands. A great Last minute which allows us to enjoy a sea still very hot, on board of beautiful boats.

It will be possible to reach the uninhabited islands, beaches and coves that in another way, or other busy periods would not be possible to discover. Share this experience with your friends or family, you will have a custom price.

Last modified on Montag, 09 September 2013 16:19

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